What's been happening

Big hello! This space has been idle for far too long so let's just quickly get to what's important. In February the hubby and I were in Japan for a Luna Near Year get-a-way (we have yet to decide on the honeymoon) and that's when I started to suspect that the P word is upon me. I wasn't entirely sure as there were zero symptoms except that I was a month a half late. I went through the entire tour with no issues until the day we got home, I was exceptionally exhausted and I remember thinking to myself that this has never happened and I've traveled further before and had longer plane rides.

That evening when we got home the husband stepped out real fast to grab us an easy simple dinner because all we had on our minds or at least my mind was SLEEP! I could barely stand in the shower but I had to hurry to make it to bed before I collapse in there. The sudden change of weather in Japan which was in it's late state of winter to the local Malaysian heat was almost unbearable too. I dried my hair with a towel and decided to lie in the bed with the A/C at full blast and the ceiling fan spinning right above me to cool down. After possibly half an hour or less ( who remembers ) I dried my hair fully and slept like a log until the next morning.

Next morning the hubby bought me nasi lemak for breakfast/brunch, something which I think we've all been longing for to cleanse our palette from all the authentic local Japanese food for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 6 days *puke* strangely it tasted bad and I couldn't understand why. Then I thought ok....P word. Maybe...possibly...Oh God I have to get that stick tonight! I came home from the mall that night with the the pregnancy test kit and went to my bathroom. Seconds later I couldn't believe the second line which appeared on the stick. IT'S POSITIVE! *faints*

So there you have it, February's happening which left us puzzled for many weeks but slowly it grew to pure joy! After a week I finally gathered enough courage to see an Obstetrician recommended by my friend. During that visit I was nervous as hell but finally saw the tiny life in me. A little blip which the good doctor said is doing well! I am now writing this in my 23rd week (5.5 months) and I remembered it all like it was yesterday. Oh how little blip has grown in the last 4 months! Till the next post! Tata!
