Tasking myself

I woke up from a super short power 15min nap from accompanying my toddler through his afternoon nap, ( I almost never have to do this but today he's just bratty) looked at the clock and thought - "wow its 2:30 almost and again I keep wishing I can wake up earlier everyday so I can do my own things like surf the internet, enjoy coffee uninterrupted, write a post, fold my clothes, clean that damn stain on the wall which has been there since forever...and the list goes on. I quickly check my phone for messages, went downstairs to face the daily horror of dishes, took on a call from a wedding planner, felt good in rejecting the job because I'm only an option. 

Now, to take some matters into my own hands, I decided that if I want to seize the day with some productivity and make a profound change in my daily doings, I must give myself on-going tasks.

Task 1
Try to cook one new dish every week. Document it and be proud of it.

Task 2
Read a new book. The last book I read was Crazy Rich Asians. Loved it, wish I was that Asian.

Task 3
Take on another new "job" - This is somewhat in the process, it will be starting real soon

Task 4
Start a mini herb garden. I cannot stress how loOOonnnggg this has been my wish and it has  just been all-talk-no-action. Time to get some dirt on my hands.

In the mean time, enjoy this picture of our new shelving in our living room made by the Mister. Our ever-growing book collection and decorative items from our travels has now a great space to call their home
